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Casino History


ByDoresa Banning

May 5, 2021

Subject of Gambling Escapes Hollywood Movie Censors in 1930s

1935 Hollywood movie studios released more than a handful of gambling-related movies in 1935. This seemed unusual given the Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America’s (MPPDA) recent re-commitment to ensuring movies didn’t contain content…

ByDoresa Banning

April 14, 2021

Brazilian Game of Chance Starts as a Business Promotion

1890s-Today A way to drum up business for a failing zoo in the late 19th century, reportedly, quickly evolved into and, to this day, remains an enormously popular game of chance among Brazilians: jogo do…

ByDoresa Banning

April 7, 2021

ByDoresa Banning

March 31, 2021