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Sources: Golden Rooster: Advertising or Art?

Nevada State Journal, “Dick Graves Wants $40,000 Gold Rooster,” Dec. 22, 1957.

Nevada State Journal, “U.S. Maps Rooster Appeal,” Aug. 29, 1962.

Nevada State Journal, “Rooster Appeal Dropped,” Oct. 13, 1962.

Reno Evening Gazette, “Golden Rooster Trial in 1962,” Sept. 29, 1961.

Reno Evening Gazette, “Government Won’t Question Rooster as Art,” March 26, 1962.

Reno Evening Gazette, “Art Experts Disagree on Rooster Use,” March 28, 1962.

Reno Evening Gazette, “Golden Bird Case to Jury in Carson City,” March 29, 1962.

Reno Evening Gazette, “Battle Won by Rooster,” March 30, 1962.

The Coeur d’Alene Art Auction,